For Parents
What Every Family Should Know about Montessori : An article from Montessori Life, Spring 2014, written by Julie Bragdon, MEd, is assistant head at Montessori School of Denver, AMS early childhood certified, member-at-large and family rep. to the AMS Board of Directors. Read the full article >>
"Learn to Live, Live to Love, Love to Learn." An award-winning column, Kids Talk describes what it takes to be an effective leader. Read the full article >>
Modeling Peace Through Grace and Courtesy: We invite you to read this powerful article from montessoriservices.com, which describes how the Montessori approach integrates these daily principles naturally within its curriculum. Read the full article >>
Apples vs. Oranges: An article from MariaMontessori.com celebrating the foundations of the Montessori approach to education. Read the full article >>
Parent Involvement and Observation
Safety Harbor Montessori heartily invites all parents and other family members to participate in their children's educational experience. You are encouraged to observe through the observation windows at any time. When observing, you may wish to take notes. You are welcome to call your child's teacher after class and discuss your observations. Since the beginning of school is a transitional period we ask that in-class observations begin after the first six weeks. Teachers will be happy to schedule an appointment for you after that time.
We need your cooperation and support when it comes to visiting and entering the classroom. Students are distracted and interrupted when adults enter the room, and maintaining valuable classroom time is essential for all of our students.
Once the year is well under way, you may choose to visit your child’s class in one of the following ways:
Plan a special presentation demonstrating your occupation
Give a cultural presentation
Read to the children in the classroom
Volunteer in the garden
Help with a cooking activity
If you are not directly participating in a classroom activity, try to remain in the background so as not to interrupt the natural flow of the class. Always make an appointment with your child's teacher if you wish to visit in the classroom.
Becoming involved in your child's education does more than enrich the learning experience. It demonstrates to your child the importance you place on education. Our teachers are eager to hear your ideas, and we welcome the opportunity to make arrangements for your involvement.
Articles reproduced with permission:
Learning the Language of Life : Montessori children handle big words big ideas.
Seed Corn : 5 Seeds planted now change what comes later.
What, No Briefcase? : Montessori and paperwork
Many of these titles and others are available for loan from the school. Please inquire at the office.
A Parents Guide to the Montessori Classroom. By Aline Wolf.
Maria Montessori, A Modern Approach. By Paula Polk Lillard.Montessori Today. By Paula Polk Lillard.
Punished by Rewards. By Alphie Kohn
How to Talk So Kids Will Listen. By Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish
Positive Pushing. By Jim Taylor
Children Believe Everything You Say. By Jennifer Day
The Absorbent Mind. By Maria Montessori. (Dr. Montessori's last book about the development of the child's mind.)
The Discovery of the Child. By Maria Montessori. A 1948 revision of some of Dr. Montessori's earlier writings.
From Childhood to Adolescence. By Maria Montessori.
Turning Points. The Carnegie Council on Adolescent Development.
Montessori: The Science Behind the Genius. By Angeline Lillard